Fight for Justice. Demand Change.

Together, we can hold the system accountable and create a future where every service member receives the care they deserve.


United as the Coalition of Heroes, we confront the grave injustice of medical malpractice that affects our courageous service members. Our mission is to ignite powerful awareness, educate the public, and amplify our stories to demand crucial reforms. We are dedicated to creating a system where every service member has recourse for medical negligence. Through relentless advocacy, comprehensive education, and steadfast solidarity, we strive to secure a future where every service member receives the justice, respect, and support they rightfully deserve.

CoH Victories

CoH Victories

SUPPORT FOR H.R. 4334 - Healthcare Equality and Rights for Our Heroes Act.

As of July 2024 - We have gained 31 signatures on H.R. 4334 - Healthcare Equality and Rights for Our Heroes Act.

Our progress has not come easily. This has been the result of relentless effort. After sending hundreds of emails to House representatives and Senators and making two trips to Washington, D.C. to meet with over 60 congressional offices, we have successfully gained the support of 31 congressional representatives. This growing support underscores the urgent need for the reforms we are advocating and highlights the critical importance of addressing the systemic issues that continue to deny justice to our brave service members.

This crucial legislation aims to grant service members the right to bring their claims against the Department of Defense (DOD) for injuries and deaths caused by medical malpractice at DOD hospitals to district court.


After gaining the support for H.R. 4334 from Rep. Katie Porter in Apil 2024, she continued working behind the scenes.

Rep. Katie Porter (CA-47) introduced floor amendment 152, which would require the Government Accountability Office to report on the adjudication of medical malpractice claims by members of the Uniformed Services. The report will require a comparison of the military malpractice compensation to similar civilian malpractice claims. It will also require the GAO to provide recommendations for improving the system through which servicemembers’ malpractice claims are processed. The amendment was agreed to by the Rules Committee, and the House passed the NDAA as amended last week. The amendment can be found here: H. Rept. 118-551 - AND AN ACCOMPANYING RESOLUTION; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES | | Library of Congress

“When doctors mess up, Americans can seek justice by filing a claim in civil court. But when military doctors injure servicemembers, they aren't held accountable. The Pentagon’s medical malpractice claim process isn’t working. Watch me explain below:”

- Rep. Katie Porter

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.”